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Using Bloom's Taxonomy


A review of the major objectives is provided below to help you to recall the critical points throughout the tutorial system. The remaining assessment sections will allow you to demonstrate your ability to apply, analyze, and evaluate existing educational research based upon concepts from this website. Finally, I will have a concluding assessment challenge for educational researchers to begin creating new research aligned to these major concepts.

Review: Conclusion


Congratulations on completing the theory portions of the tutorial system! Review the major objectives:

  • AsianCrit research provides insight of Asian American perspectives that have been largely overlooked, due to the model minority myth. This theoretical perspective allows researches to uncover implicit beliefs and implicit discriminatory events experienced by Asian American students. This research also provides insight into the potential protective facets of Asian American racial and ethnic identity in buffering the negative effects of discrimination.

  • Research on the cultural specificity of emotion regulation allows us to study the emotion regulation of students in the context of their cultural values and identity. Studying emotion regulation unveils how Asian American cultural values moderate emotion regulation processes. Measuring emotion regulation within a cultural framework will help to monitor an integral aspect of student well-being. Researching Asian American identity and emotion is inherent in a holistic philosophy of educational development- in stark contrast to current student achievement outcomes driven research.

  • Socio-ecological models of student support allow collective cultural assets to be gleaned and mobilized through Asian American family, school, and community systems. This is a strength-based approach to supporting Asian American student well-being, by fostering the culturally promotive resources in various systems that influence Asian American youth. 

Review: Conclusion


In order to gain a deeper understanding of the concepts, you will need to reflect on how the major objectives are relevant and meaningful to you as a researcher. Think critically on the following reflection questions:


1. How has this tutorial system influenced your implicit beliefs about Asian American student populations?

2. Compared to your responses in your pretest survey, how have your beliefs been challenged, changed, or augmented?


Please share your personal reflections with colleagues. Creating a scholarly dialogue regarding the well-being of Asian American youth is imperative to furthering this line of research. 

Also, please take the post-survey to demonstrate how this tutorial system has deepened your personal understanding and beliefs. 

Review: Body

Apply & Analyze

Apply your interpretations of the concepts discussed here to analyze how other educational research areas take the perspectives of Asian American students into consideration. What are the theoretical and educational practice implications of neglecting Asian American youth?


1. Ronfeldt & McQueen (2017) investigated whether different forms of teacher induction supports predict teacher turnover. They examined a nationally representative sample of first year teachers. Skim this article and pay particular attention to Table 1 on pg. 398. Additional teacher characteristics reveal teachers' racial and ethnic backgrounds. What are the implications of not having the percentage of Asian American teachers included in the table, nor analyzed in the literature? 

Review: Body

2. Au (2016) wrote about the underlying politics of high-stakes standardized testing within educational reform policies. He argued that high-stakes standardized testing furthers racial inequality in education, performing under the guise of anti-racist objectivity. He coined the term "Meritocracy 2.0" to reflect how the neoliberalism movement, high-stakes testing, and official anti-racism within educational reform works to deny institutional racial inequality. Read through Au's argument, and analyze his points from the theoretical perspectives covered in the tutorial system. Specifically, how do his points relate to the perspective of Asian American students, emotion regulation in education, and a holistic philosophy of meeting students' academic, social, and psychological development needs?

Review: Body


After analyzing some research from teacher education and educational reform, it is time to evaluate your own area within educational research. With your colleagues and research partners, evaluate the following:


1. How does your area of research consider the perspectives and needs of Asian American youth? Are the cultural experiences of Asian American youth embedded in a general support method designed for all students, or are you explicitly targeting populations? 

2. Based upon your responses to question 1, what are the theoretical and educational practice implications for your existing approaches?

3. There are several existing ideologies to educational reform (i.e. social efficiency, developmentalists, and social meliorists), what are the underlying beliefs regarding the purpose of education among scholars in your field? How do these beliefs relate or differ from the concepts covered in the tutorial?

4. Can your research benefit from including theories from emotion regulation and socio-ecological models to support students of Color, including Asian Americans?

Review: Body


Finally, I would like to challenge you to synthethisize theories you've learned from this tutorial to create a new research question(s) to explore a relevant phenomena. Include some combination of AsianCrit, emotion regulation cultural frameworks, socio-ecological models, and your research area to develop a new area to be studied.

What are motivations behind this research? What are the theoretical underpinnings guiding your research? What are the most appropriate methodologies to use? Finally, who will benefit from this research?


I encourage you to share your new research idea with your peers, colleagues, or with myself via the Contact page. Thank you for participating in my tutorial system! Feel free to explore additional resources and used references via the Resources page. 

Review: Conclusion
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